I met Justin in... 2005? Maybe 06. I was working at a LAN center in Rochester, NY. This guy comes in all piercings and edge, looking like he fell through Hot Topic and only managed to scrape most of it off.
The first surprise was the voice that came out of the kids he was then. Deeper than you'd think by far. The second surprise was the energy he brought. No amount of black that he wore could cover up how bright he was. The third surprise were the dad jokes. The corniest shit you've ever heard delivered with a straight face that always burst into laughter when you rolled your eyes.
Justin was one of the few people I've known who figured out what he wanted in life, cut the bullshit, and went and got it. I know he scrubbed his social media history of those old pictures when he graduated but that man went through a legit metamorphosis.
He never thought he was doing enough but all I saw was sheer determination and will. I was so incredibly proud of him and I told him so, again and again. And it was easy because it was true. He set goals, he achieved, he set new goals and just kept going.
I called him my little brother. Friends are the family you choose and I knew I chose right with him. I just learned about his passing tonight. This one really hurts.
I'll miss you, LB. 37.